New builds.


ATTAIN Construction will handle all aspects of your build, from project planning to building work, managing subcontractors and guaranteeing the quality of the finished work.

Delivering a service that will support your investment and long-term property vision.

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New builds


ATTAIN Construction has worked with all sorts of new build clients – from novices to experienced developers - and we can provide a range of suitable new build solutions for projects of every scale.

We have relationships with specialist consultants, including architects and engineers, who are experts in their individual field and sector of operation. That means that we can offer highly tailored solutions and come up with approaches to buildings the most unusual visions.

In recent years, ATTAIN Construction has developed a great reputation for building energy efficient or Passive House new builds. Passive House construction offers high levels of energy efficiency and building performance, durability and comfort that far exceed current Building Regulations for new build properties. If you want to anticipate future legislation, save on energy bills and invest in the future of the planet, let’s talk about your new build.


Our projects

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“ATTAIN Construction’s attention to detail, quality of workmanship and achieving the Passive House air tightness standards onsite has been exceptional. They have a valuable understanding of the integration of renewable energy technologies and heat recovery ventilation.”

Andrew Yeats Director Eco Arc Passive House Architects